Thank You,
Your feedback on how our projects department is running is very valuable to us.
How Likely are you to recommend working with Sumus to your friends and family? 1 - Not Likely ⇌ 10 - Very Likely
The project process was fair. (Optional) 1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree
The project process was efficient.Did we ask for the same information over and over again? Was the process smooth? (Optional) 1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree
The project process was easy. (Optional) 1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree
Can you tell us your role(s) with the recent project? (Optional)
EstimatorProject ManagerSupervisorOn-Site WorkOther
Comments - How could Sumus improve? (Optional)