Sumus Projects Vendor Relations

Thank You,

Your feedback on how our projects department is running is very valuable to us.

    How Likely are you to recommend working with Sumus to your friends and family?
    1 - Not Likely ⇌ 10 - Very Likely


    The project process was fair. (Optional)
    1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree


    The project process was efficient.Did we ask for the same information over and over again? Was the process smooth? (Optional)
    1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree


    The project process was easy. (Optional)
    1 - Strongly Disagree ⇌ 5 - Strongly Agree


    Can you tell us your role(s) with the recent project? (Optional)

    EstimatorProject ManagerSupervisorOn-Site WorkOther

    Comments - How could Sumus improve? (Optional)